jz bec fr co-Q dinner at majlis wanita johor(mawar). a quite nice dinner. but d food is not nice lo... oni d curry lamb is nice... n d grape oso not bad... but d watermelon very bad... not sweet antmore... :( n everybody wear very pretty n handsome... at thr i know some china gals. they r very friendly n pretty. they all wear cheongsam. very pretty... i know a very pretty gal. she is fr china n her name is liu wen. she very nice n friendly... (d black cheongsam gal in d pic) act i will know them coz the lecturer change my place n she call me sit v them... coz of changing place so i can know them... acte thr r 6 china gal sit v me but i oni remember the name 1 of them.. hehe... we go thr eat bout 2 n half hour... n let d lecturer gv us mark... after dat we take pic outside d hall thr... we take quite a lot pic thr... then we go take bus n bec to utm lo... but the very very very very very bad thing is when i walk to take d bus, i feel down... i wear sui sui but feel down... so paisei lo... n everybody is looking at me... luckily i din get injure.. jz my leg a bit pain... act why i ll feel down is coz dunno who so bad n throw d plastic cup anywhr... n i din see d rubbish so i straight slipped down like superman... haha... haizzz... so pai sei... :( dunno y i always feel down de.... anyway, tonite is a quite nice dinner n gv me chance to know some oversea frens.... :p