jz now gather with my ho heng dai and ho ji mui...
siew wei, ah sim, kah yoong n ang ang~~~
it is a very wonderful n great gathering...
although oni 5 of us but we can talk non-stop n laugh until dunno how to say~~~
really funny la....
we very 38 laaa~~~~
we go gurun R&R thr to gathering...
we go d kfc thr...
go so far to gathering really 38...
we bring our own CNY biscuit n drnk...
dis really 38 liao lo i think....
we talk a lot of funny thing....
ah sim always said he is handsome la, cute la, 温柔la....
but i think no one is real lo....
siew wei teach us how to bang sai~~~
CNY teach ppl how to pang sai i think oni he can do dis thing......
n today we hv our own frequency wave to make 5 of us hv same mind...
oue frequency wave is 107.35...
so who wan hv same mind v us jz tune ur frequency wave ya....
i hope my hou ji mui -->ang ang will hv same frequency wave v us when we hv dis gathering again...
if not we really wan throw shoes to her liao....
thx to ah sim dat gv me a very pretty key chain as my bday present....
really love it very much....
1st time make so 38 gathering....
i think nobody ll hv dis kind of gathering except 5 of us....
i really very very happy....
so happy dat i hv dat kind of fren....
eallt thx to them dat make my CNY so great...
it is sure an unforgettable memory for me until d end of my life~~~
thx my lovely heng dai n ji mui~~~
love u all forever n forever..
hope our friendship will hv no end until d end of our life~~~
today really very very very happy....
dunno how to express it....
anyway really thx to my heng dai n ji mui~~~
because of them not oni my CNY is great but my life oso hv a lot of enjoyable happiness....
i love u all very very much.....