d time i reach i c a very beautiful view fr flight...
d city is full of light... really beautiful....
when d flight landing, i c a lot of snow on d landing track...
it is no snowing but still a lot of snow...
dat is my 1st time c d snow... hehe...
once we get off fr flight, d 1st feeling is cold...
omo, it is really cold...
we all stop at a side n wear all d winter jacket...
dat time really funny....
but we all r in gd mood coz we finally reach KOREA n start our 1 week travel...
we reach our hostel around 11pm...
dat time i m really hungry coz i not yet since i take d flight...
on d way go our hostel i saw a lot of snow..
really first time saw dat much of snow...
n i catch every view dat pass in front of me..
coz i m in my dream country dat i wish to go so long time ago, n now i m here... =)
n some of my frens making joke in d mini bus...
really funny... haha....
d thing dat make me shock is when we wipe d windows of d mini bus to c d view of seoul, d water become ice on d windows..
omo, its really cold...
1st time i m in dat cold condition in my life..
is really unbelievable for me...
when we reach hostel, we move all of our thing to d room..
we stay in d malaysia JPA room when we r thr...
d room is really different v d room in UTM...
d room gt toilet n kitchen in it..
really a nice room tho...
although d room a bit messy but still can stay..
1st time using floor heater in my life..
d heater really make my cold life warm... XD
once we reach thr, we called d student dat bring us go buy some dinner coz we really very hungry..
then she bring us go GS25 to buy some ramen n snack...
of course i buy banana milk dat time once i saw in d shop...
d 1st day i go ad drink d banana milk dat i dream to drink long long time ago... XD
after dat, we cook d ramen in d room n enjoy our 1st dinner at KOREA...
after dat, gt d agent dat as our tour gide buy some gimbap for us...
d gimbap really nice..
again, i enjoy my 1st original korean food dat nite... hehe... =D
after eat, we really tired ad, so we r go to bed and prepare for tml travel... ^^*
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