The last week of my holiday before come bec to UTM me n my best best frens hv a gathering. 5 of us are very very best fren during form 6 time. until now we are still very close although we r going to different university. ^^
we go eat pizza hut 1st before going travel around d alor star.. hehe... pizza hut is our old place for gathering... we always go thr everytime gt gathering... we go thr siince we r form 6... i still remmeber we always go thr after sch. we thr without change our uniform. we ll go thr 1st then jz ll go bec to change our uniform...^^ after eat our lunch at pizza we go buy some crystal at Gunung keriang. after dat we go d aquatic complex near the gunung keriang thr. thr oni gt a few ppl swimming thr n few ppl work thr. act if wan to go in mz buy d ticket but we go take permission fr a malay guy to let us go in without buying d ticket coz we jz wan go in n have a look. we doesnt plan to swim thr. n the guy really gv us permission to go in without ticket.. haha... we take some pic inside... n 1 of the safety guard inside thr allow i=us to go up to the diving stage.. he tell us normally ppl cant go up thr 1 oni d ppl who hv practise thr jz can go up. but since dat day when we go thr is no ppl practise thr so d safety guard let us go up until 10m of d diving stage to let us see the beautiful view fr up thr...
we oso take some nice pic bout paddy field of alor star up thr.. it really very very high... i m wonder y d ppl dare to jump fr up thr... really nid to gv them some claps... haha... after dat we go rumah merdeka which is the house of our 1st prime minister tunku abdul rahman. we nvr go thr although we pass d house everyday... dis is the 1st time we go thr... hehe... inside d house is quite beautiful but we cant take pic inside d house so i cant show here... ^^ after dat we take pic outside d house... thr r a quite big garden outsude the house... b4 we going bec we call d guard thr help 5 of us take a pic out side d house... to proof dat we hv go thr b4... haha... actually we plan to go to Tun mahathir house de but we hv not enough time ad... so we plan go thr next time.. no choice... hopefully next time we can hv enough time to go thr... coz until now i nvr go to tun mahathir house although i pass his house thousand of time ad... hehe... hopefully next time i can go thr n hv a look... ^^
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